Tips for Tax Time
A 2017 Identity Fraud Study by Javelin Strategy & Research revealed that nearly one in three consumers notified that their data has been breached become victims of identity fraud. With the recent Equifax cyberattack still fresh in our minds, more than 145 million Americans’ names, addresses, birthdates, Social Security numbers and other sensitive information may be at risk.
Cybercriminals are crafty and continuously looking for ways to steal your personal information. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) indicates that phishing schemes continue to lead its “dirty dozen” list of 2017 tax scams. So what is the average American to do? The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) have once again joined forces to help consumers keep safe during tax season with tips for identifying cyber scams, actionable online safety steps and what to do if you fall victim to tax identity theft.
Watch the tax identity theft webinar replay co-hosted with the Federal Trade Commission:
“Cybercriminals love tax season. The enormous amounts of valuable personal and financial information that are shared online during this timeframe make it a haven for hackers. Since most Americans are filing their taxes, deadlines are looming and the cyber thugs are doing everything they can to take full advantage of the opportunity.”